Carolina in my mind
A big welcome to Brian. Brian (one of my old college roommates and blogger buddy) moved into town last week from Florida.
Brian is originally from South Carolina (or as we call it....the dirty south), hence a new fire has been kindled on our long outstanding debate over which state can properly be labeled just "carolina" (apparently we you say it down there it means South Cackalacky). Since he is now a resident of the better half, I think it is only fair that he finally submit to the North's superiority. Afterall, SC looks up to us....just look on a map.
Although I have to admit they do have a much cooler flag.
Help: Does anyone know which Carolina James Taylor is referring to in his famous song?
I am almost positive that it is NC, although Brian and I have gone round and round with this one. Keep in mind that James Taylor lived in Chapel Hill for a while, and really, who is going to write a song about south carolina? Thats like writing a poem about the stem of a flower.
Caroline Kennedy! :)
I take it back! I take it back! I take it back! Sweet Caroline.....Carolina on my see how it happened.
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