Lent (2)
Lent begins today.
I participated in Lent last year for the first time which ended in one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life (so of course, I blogged about it).
Why do it again?
Candidly I’m not sure.
Maybe it’s because its hard for me to accept that I am “saved by grace” and I feel the need to work for it a little.
Maybe it’s because there is a part of me that enjoys the structure and tradition that Lent offers.
Maybe it’s because I’m not all that good at spiritual discipline normally, and this is a small enough spiritual exercise that I can do.
Maybe it’s all of the above.
If you want to jump on the Lent train, it’s not too late. Find something to fast (it doesn’t have to be food) until Easter.
Let me also admit that I practice a modified Lent by orthodox standards. I didn’t go to an Orthodox or Catholic Church today for Ash Wednesday (which includes having ash smeared on my forehead in the shape of a cross), although I would like to in the future. Frankly it’s a little intimidating because of my unfamiliarity with Catholic Mass. I don’t want to be the moron who doesn’t know when to stand and sit. I need a catholic buddy.
I was a Catholic my whole life until I was saved. If you go to a mass don't worry - just do what everyone else is doing and you will fit right in!
Orthodox Lent hasn't started yet. Orthodox and Catholics calculate Pascha/Easter differently--Gregorian versus Julian and whatnot.
I'll be in Raleigh on March 2 to sponsor my soon-to-be godson and celebrate the chrismation of one of my very good friends as they join the Eastern Orthodox Church. If you want an Orthodox buddy instead of a Catholic one (or if it will do as a substitute), please join us.
BTW, March 2 is Meatfare Sunday (a sort of pre-Lent or introduction to Lent), followed by Cheesefare Sunday, and then the beginning of Great Lent on March 16th.
If you're interested, drop a line.
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