Friday, February 15, 2008

she's here!! (the 1st preview)

Alaina (Lainy) Harper Pate was born today. Everyone is fine. More pictures coming soon. I'm tired....and I did the least amount of work today.

This is a post birth picture. It ain't pretty...buts its real.

As you can glean from above, we have landed on Harper as the middle name. In keeping with a literary theme for middle names (Caden's is Crusoe), Harper comes from one of my favorite books To Kill a Mockingbird (highly recommend the movie too if you haven't seen it). Harper Lee is the author.

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Leslie said...

Congratulations! She's precious! We love the name, and we can't wait to meet Ava Grace's first friend!

Tamara said...


Anonymous said...

John and Janelle,

We couldn't be happier for you. She looks cottage cheesy just like Erik! Janelle, I hope you are feeling well. Take advantage of all the help. Rest and enjoy your new babe. Give Caden and Lainy hugs from us.

J, B & 4E

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see more pics!! Love the name--

We're so happy for you!!

Deanna and Matt

Niki said...

Congrats to all of you!! Get lots of rest! Look forward to seeing more pics!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for Y'all!!!! I love the name!

BTW, Kyla shares a birthday now!! Welcome little Lainy!

Jon and Lesli