Monday, September 10, 2007

Straight out of Mr. Roger's neighborhood

Recently during the Poff Retreat, we went canoeing with the family. It wasn’t the canoe rental company’s best day. We had to wait about 2 hours after we paid before we finally hit the water. It was chaotic and none of the employees ever communicated to the customers what was going on. My brother-in-law (Jared) and I spent the time discussing different process management methods they could use to speed things up. At the same time there were a group of guys loading the boats on the racks. When we got there the same group of guys helped everyone into their boats. It wasn’t until a little later that I realized that they weren’t employees but part of a neighborhood group of families (about 40 of them) that came up together for some camping and a canoe trip.
It was then I realized a couple things:
1) I was blown away by their kindness and helpfulness for people they didn’t know. This wasn’t a church group, it was a neighborhood group. I then wandered if church groups would have acted the same way…probably not.
2) People crave for community. I wander if these people find the same kind of community at their church.
3) I was too busy criticizing to be part of the solution. While I was talking, these guys were helping. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how which had the most impact.

1 comment:

matt said...

I like it. Unfortunately, that makes too much sense to work.