Thursday, September 20, 2007

basketball diaries #2

Yesterday I went to the park to play basketball in some pick-up games (to read about the first time that didn't go so well, click here). It started badly when the 2 captains (I thoughts only school kids did that) picked teams. This got a little awkward because there were 11 guys and you only need 10 to play. Guess who didn’t get picked. I took my walk of shame and sat on the bench to wait for the next game. Once I got it, it went slightly better than last time. Overall, I had 6 points for the night, 1 rebound, 1 assist and 2 shots blocked (I didn’t block the shots, my shots were blocked. One time by a kid that was 6 inches shorter than me). There are a couple reasons I like doing this. First, it’s a chance to build relationships with some of the guys in my community. Second, there is something about being a little reckless with your body that makes you feel like a kid again. By the end of the night, I had a skinned knee and my ankles were a bit stiff….and I never felt better.

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