Monday, August 20, 2007

Shadow Mission

Earlier this month, I attended a couple sessions of the Willowcreek Leadership Summit. My favorite session was by John Ortberg. I have read some of his books (highly recommend by the way) but have never heard him speak. I wasn’t disappointed.
The crux of his session: Our greatest fear is that we fall away from our God-given mission and purpose and drift into what he called our “shadow mission”. A shadow mission is your own mission that is selfish and helps no one. Usually very closely related to your gifting. A mission that is hijacked by your ego and wounds and there is no Jesus in it.
He spoke mostly on the story of Ester. Her shadow mission was to just live comfortably as a queen, but her real mission was to save her people.
The take-away: What’s your shadow mission? Because in order to fulfill your God-given mission you must consciously be able to say no to your shadow mission.

For more info click here

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