Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Caden is getting company

Janelle told me that when I got home we needed to discuss something as a family. Her clues were that it wasn’t bad (yeah right) and that it could cost a lot of money. I of course was stressing out dreaming up the worst case scenarios like: we were getting kicked out of our house, we were being audited, or that she had been let go by the church.
Here is what I was greeted by when I walked in the door:

And here was my reaction

This is very early in the pregnancy so we don’t have a lot of info yet, but I guess you can figure out where you can keep up to date.

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Niki said...

Yeah! Congratulations! Your party is getting bigger!! What an incredible blessing.

Anonymous said...

Congrat's...Also just wanted to say Caden is sooooo adorable! Love you guys!
Amber(down in SC)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Welcome to the ranks of the Families of Four!! :)

I just relized that Caden has a pregnancy test taped to his back! As Matt's wife, (a complete scheiver), I feel obligated to say, I hope you disinfected it before putting it on his back!! ;)

Hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...


STOP AT 2!!!

Heed my advice young one.

See you sometime in the fall.

Jared (Becky and the growing E gang)

Anonymous said...

Ignore my husbands comments have many children. Children are such a blessing. I hope you have at lease four kids :). See you in July. miss you. The kids miss Uncle John! you too Janelle :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness!!!! I haven't even talked to your mom yet...I just try to keep up on you guys every once in awhile. It's a good thing I check in now and again!!! Congratulations!!!! Miss you all to pieces!!
Sarah :)