Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Lead Wrong

So last weekend, I finally got the gumption to start repairing our bathroom ceiling. The paint has been peeling like I do when I have been out in the sun for more than 5 minutes. So I went out to Lowes and picked up a sanding block and some fresh paint, and immediately went to work, making quite the mess. It wasn’t until the next day at work that I realized that I live in a very old house and I seem to remember something about lead based paint (which was used mostly before 1978) being unhealthy. So, I looked it up on the internet and was shocked to find out that it is pretty dangerous (think asbestos dangerous) and the worst thing to do is to dry sand it and kick around lead dust everywhere (which I had just done). After further research, I discovered that the health risks of inhalation of lead particles is pretty bad, attacking every organ in your body. It severely lowers sperm counts and is especially hazardous to young children, possibly causing retardation and ADD.
I officially freaked out!
Imagine my horror realizing that my short departure from Lazyville (which I share residence with Matt P) had set a chain of events in motion that would slowly kill my family. That I would be spending whatever is left of my adult life sitting in the stands during the Special Olympics. That I had unintentionally poisoned my wife, Caden, and myself because I wasn’t up to date with the Lead Poisoning PSA.s. I actually at one point uttered the words….”I’m not ready to die”.

Anywho, turns out there was sheetrock between me and any old paint so I had nothing to worry about. The Pates have a new lease on life friends. And for everyone’s sake, I am going back to being lazy from now on.


matt said...

Welcome back my friend. We've missed you.

Concerned Lazyville Denizen

Anonymous said...

You were definitely roomies w/Matt for too long- Laziness and Paranoia... He knows it well...
