Thursday, February 01, 2007


We met Jerry and Dana (nelle's parents) at the Charlotte airport for a short layover on their way to Haiti. J & D will be spending a couple weeks over there for some missionary work. Somehow we neglected to get a picture of them the whole time we were there.

What made the whole trip worth it was the treatment Jerry got from airport security. He just had a defibulator put in so he can't go through any detectors, so they pat him down. And they really pat him down. Outside the airport it would either be considered a deep tissue massage or making out.

Good luck J & D, can't wait for you guys to get back.

1 comment:

The Deals said...

Hey, guys! We are fellow North Carolinians now! Sorry we didn't write sooner, we just got the blog address right. It looks awesome! Talk to you soon!