Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Syllabus Blues

I am working on my MBA right now, and just signed up for my spring classes. Going back to school has been very different in a lot of ways then my undergrad years (I sit in the front row and ask questions to name a few), but the same in that I still get a little sick in the stomach when I am looking over the syllabus for the first time. That moment, when you are sizing up the work load, and have the “advantage” of being able to dread the project that isn’t due for another 3 months (that will suck days of your life away and will have no real value to you the moment after you turn it in).
I’m used to living life day-by-day. I think I would prefer it if the professor just gave me a new syllabus every week, just for that week. “Keep me in the dark about what’s coming, I deal with it when I get there” is my motto.
By the way, don’t bother calling in late March through April, I will be holed up in a corner mumbling about accounting and international business.


Rusty Ward said...

2 Words my friend...


matt said...

Don't forget about JIT rudedog