Broketoe Mountain
Let me premise this story by stating that I am practically a lumberjack (or lumberjohn) and am no novice with an ax. But as I was chopping down a tree old school style (chainsaws are for sissies) with my brand new ax, I caught a freakish richete and it landed on my foot. Oddly enough, it didn't hurt and I was going to continue with my laborious task, until I realized that my shoe had a slit in it. Upon looking at it further I realized that I had "grazed" my toe, so I went inside to put a band-aid on my nick. It wasn't until I found my blood soaked sock that I realized I needed stitches so I went to the hospital. Yada, yada, yada.... I cut into the bone. I broke my toe... WITH AN AX!!
At least now, I got a cool boot from the hospital and an excuse not the exercise.
One word...gross. I don't have a weak stomach, but I wasn't expecting that to be the first picture I'd see when coming to check up on my nephew. Well, at least you finally got your broken bone. I would have given it to you if would have just asked though.
gross doesn't "cut" it
I just threw-up in my mouth.
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